
Class Summary
AddAttribute For editing : adds an attribute to a metadata.
AddElement For editing : adds a tag to a metadata.
Create Creates a metadata copying data from a given template
Delete Removes a metadata from the system
DeleteAttribute For editing : removes a tag from a metadata.
DeleteElement For editing : removes a tag from a metadata.
GetAdminOper Given a metadata id returns all operation allowed on it.
GetCategories Given a metadata id returns all associated categories.
GetEditableData Retrieves a particular metadata with editing information.
ImportFromDir Import all metadata found inside a given directory
Insert Inserts a new metadata to the system (data is validated)
MoveElement For editing : move a tag up or down.
Rate Allow to rate a metadata (local or harvested by the geonetwork harvesting type)
SearchUnused Search for unused metadata to allow the possibility to view/remove them
Show Retrieves a particular metadata.
Update For editing : update leaves information.
UpdateAdminOper Stores all operations allowed for a metadata.
UpdateCategories Stores all operations allowed for a metadata.