The complete manual

By the developers

V 2.2

Table of Contents

I. User Guide
1. A Geographic Information Management System for all
1.1. Introduction
What is GeoNetwork opensource
Background and evolution
The use of International Standards
Harvesting geospatial data in a shared environment
1.2. GeoNetwork and the Open Source Community Development
2. Getting Started
2.1. Default Search
2.2. Searching by Categories
2.3. Advanced Search
2.4. Analyzing Search Results
2.5. Privileges, roles and user groups
3. Viewing and Analyzing the Data
3.1. Meta Data Description
Identification Section
Distribution Section
Reference System Section
Data Quality Section
Metadata Information Section
4. Adding new Data and Information
4.1. Creating a New Record using the Metadata Editor on line
The steps in more details
Switching Editing Views from Default to Advanced to XML View
Using basic commands of the editor
4.2. Entering Metadata for your Map
Entering Metadata For Your Map
Creating a Thumbnail
Linking data for download
Assigning Privileges for a Map
Assigning Categories for a Map
4.3. Uploading a New Record using the XML Metadata Insert Tool
5. Metadata in Spatial Data Management
5.1. What is Metadata?
5.2. What are Metadata Standards?
5.3. Why do we need Standardized Metadata?
5.4. Geographic Information Metadata Standard
5.5. Metadata profiles
5.6. Transition between metadata standards
6. Installing the software
6.1. New version - New funtionalities
6.2. Where do I get the installer?
6.3. System requirements
Additional Software
Supported browsers
6.4. How do I install GeoNetwork opensource?
On Windows
Installation using the platform independent installer
Commandline installation
7. Administration Features
7.1. Creation of new Group Profiles
7.2. User Profiles
7.3. Creation of new User Profiles
II. Administrator Guide
8. Basic configuration
8.1. System configuration
8.2. Localization of dynamic user interface elements
9. Import facilities
9.1. Batch import
Structured import
10. Harvesting
10.1. Introduction
10.2. Mechanism overview
10.3. Harvesting lifecycle
10.4. Multiple harvesting and hierarchies
10.5. General notes and issues
GeoNetwork harvesting type
WebDAV harvesting type
CSW harvesting type
OAI-PMH harvesting type
10.6. The main page
Harvesting result tips
10.7. Adding new nodes
Adding a GeoNetwork node
Adding a Web DAV node
Adding a CSW node
Adding an OAI-PMH node
11. Metadata ownership
11.1. Introduction
11.2. Access policy
11.3. Privileges
11.4. Ownership transfer
12. Thesaurus
12.1. Introduction
12.2. Thesaurus / SKOS format
12.3. Thesaurus administration
Creation of a new thesaurus
Import existing thesaurus
12.4. Editing/browsing thesaurus: add/remove/browse keywords
12.5. Metadata editing: adding keywords
12.6. Search criteria: keywords
13. GeoNetwork’s Administrator Survival Tool - GAST
13.1. What is GAST?
13.2. Starting GAST
13.3. Operating modes
13.4. Tools subdivision
13.5. Server and Account configuration dialog
14. Import / export tools
14.1. Introduction
14.2. Import
14.3. Export
III. Server Reference
15. Software development
15.1. System Requirements
15.2. Running the software with a servlet engine
15.3. Development
Compiling GeoNetwork
Source code documentation
Creating the installer
16. Harvesting
16.1. Structure
Javascript code
Java code
XSL stylesheets
16.2. Data storage
16.3. Guidelines
17. Metadata Exchange Format v1.1
17.1. Introduction
17.2. File format
17.3. The info.xml file
Date format
18. XML Services
18.1. Calling specifications
Calling XML services
Exception handling
18.2. General services
18.3. Harvesting services
18.4. System configuration
18.5. MEF services
Metadata ownership
18.6. Relations
18.7. Schema information
19. Settings hierarchy
19.1. Introduction
19.2. The system hierarchy
19.3. Harvesting nodes
Nodes of type geonetwork
Nodes of type geonetwork20
Nodes of type webdav
Nodes of type csw
A. Frequently Asked Questions
B. Glossary of Metadata Fields Description
C. ISO Topic Categories
D. Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial Information Systems
D.1. Web Map Server software
D.2. GIS Desktop software
D.3. Web Map Viewers

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