================================================================================ === === GeoNetwork 2.2.0 Final: List of changes === ================================================================================ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- Known issues -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - On some Windows systems, installing in the default Program files folder causes a stylesheet compilation error. The workaround is to install in a directory without spaces in the folder names. E.g. in c:\geonetwork - In Postgresql an error occurs related to type casting while migrating from version 2.0.3. Using the older version of the jdbc driver version 7.4 seems to resolve this problem for Postgres v7 and v8.x. The old driver can be found at http://jdbc.postgresql.org/download.html#archived -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- Changes -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Sample metadata is now an option in the package selection panel - The commandline installation using the install script generated by the installer is working again. - Upgraded IzPack version. Debug information using -DTRACE=true now available (see documentation on "Commandline installation"). - Presentation updates for embedded metadata show. - Simplification of the presentation of the metadata using 'fieldset' instead of dotted lines to display metadata blocks - upgraded Jeeves and related commons-fileupload-1.2.1.jar - Label updates for French and English - Updated map services list - Start GeoNetwork headless (prevent pop-up Java windows) - Improved JavaDoc - GAST: Changed the delete table order to respect constraints -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- Bug fixes -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Fix for internet exploder upload problem - GAST: Fix the way the metadata owner is calculated during migration ================================================================================ === === GeoNetwork 2.2.0 RC2: List of changes === ================================================================================ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- New -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Migration of all documentation into DocBook based on the Apache Velocity DocBook framework. All documentation is now written in DocBook format and build into HTML and PDF output using Ant. - RESTful URL to metadata resources using URLs formatted as: http://mysite.org/geonetwork?uuid=xxx-xxx-xxx - uuid can be used to show a record. This is now used for RSS feeds, KML, latest updates and searches - Added Social Bookmarking links to delicious, digg, stumbleupon and facebook (not visible for resources on local machine (localhost, - Added Send by email link for metadata records (not visible for resources on local machine (localhost, - Add push pins with comments on InterMap. The markers can be edited and are stored in GeoRSS format within the Web Map Context document and in the HTML email users can send to friends. - Add and remove parent - child relations between metadata records. (No GUI is provided with this service and the functionality relates to the already existing xml.relation.get search function) - Added local GeoServer link to InterMap default list of map servers. - Added support for PHRASE, OR and WITHOUT queries (for now hidden in search form, but can easily be made visible) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- Changes -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Improved RSS feeds on search and latest updates are consolidated (use same templates for output of items) - Updates to documentation - Improved error reporting in AJAX interface - Minor translation updates - Improved email message send out by InterMap with Web Map Context document - language support and simplified messaging to the validation output - Changed startup scripts for Windows to hide (or allow to hide) the dos window. - GeoRSS opens in new browser window - Added SMTP port to WMC mail function - Hide sub-template elements (option and title) for 2.2RC2 - Add debug parameter to avoid popup alerts on InterMap for operational deployments. - Renamed gast startup files. Makes it slightly easier to run start-geonetwork.sh from terminal on a *NIX machine. - Small updates in shortcut menus - Added a docs context as part of the Jetty configuration. - Added "label for" for checkbox elements to be able to check boxes when clicking the label - Added some gml labels for nicer display and editing. - Upgrade Lucene to version 2.3.0 - Change of content type for RSS services - Automatically open the map viewer when a WMC context is given in the URL. - Updated help on Localization interface - Cleanup OnlineResources display to prevent display of download and interactive map buttons when no URL is actually found in the metadata - Added warning & help to the categories and groups admin forms -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- Bugs fixed -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Fixed geographic search (communication between small map AoI and dropdown list, added User defined as an option to dropdown) - Fix problem retrieving string from editor.xml that causes internet exploder to choke on tooltips for elements without a help string - Retrieve the keywords relevant to the record in preparing brief summary xml - Fix for the info request to a WMS service - Feedback fix (feedback was not processed by application) - Fixes for attributeGroup inheritance and automatic srsName. Added support for the srsName attribute in gml featuretypes for display and editing the Extent as an EX_BoundingPolygon. - Fixed #55 adding an observer for Enter key on main.home page - Fixed #44 switch lower/upper corners of geokeywords - MySQL longtext fix to avoid truncated metadata records - Initial minimap extent is now set to the union of the bboxes of all the displayed layers. - Ensure UUIDs are stored in lower case - Copy attributes before inserting new fileIdentifier element - Fix for IE: clicking on a marker now opens its info panel. - Fixed: Layer list not displayed in IE. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- Known issues -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - default settings reset function in advanced search not in synch with application defaults (fixed for Final Release) - Namespace issue for some labels in languages other than English in ISO19115/19139 (fixed for Final Release) - Some missing labels for Dublin Core fields in languages other than English (fixed for Final Release) ================================================================================ === === GeoNetwork 2.2.0 RC1: List of changes === ================================================================================ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- Changes -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Removed version number from image for easy maintenance - Updated and new logos for different harvesting types - Added a default bounding box to the DC template - Added description that suggests how to fill in the bounding box in DC - Slightly improved the content type filter, removing the list box with unusual content types (protocols) - Aligned default values with interface for content types - Added extra debug logging, Added JavaDoc comments to Search constants, Rearranged constants, Added comments to Lucene index files - Build file for docbook documentation InterMap: - Add the Extension element only when needed to Web Map Context - Temporary paths are now relative to the intermap servlet directory or absolute to the file system -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- Bugs fixed -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Fix to allow search for all metadata in the catalog, including those that do not contain a bounding box. Now the BBOX and region code are not included in the query when the Region field is set to '- Any -' - Skip alphanumeric validation to ensure all type of servlet names are allowed e.g. mysub/geonetwork or just / ================================================================================ === === GeoNetwork 2.2.0 RC0: List of changes === ================================================================================ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- New -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Added User Quick Start Guide in pdf form - Added direct link to open WMS services in Google Earth - Added schematron validation - Added OAI-PMH server protocol - Added OAI-PMH harvesting type - Added 'portal.get' and 'portal.sources' services - GAST : Added console logging - Added search criteria for downloadable and interactive maps - Added text only search results for low bandwitdh connections - Added metadata popularity concept (used to sort search results) - Added metadata rating system (used to sort search results). It is possible to rate remote metadata harvested using the geonetwork's harvesting type. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- Changes -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Added new link following Atom / RSS type of structures - Removed Oracle JDBC driver due to license incompatibility. Driver can be downloaded from Oracle Technology Network by the user. - All headers of Java classes have been checked and GNU-GPL license and copyright statements have been added where missing. - GeoRSS output for search and latest updates have been harmonized. Both now support georss:box, georss:point or georss:where with a gml:Envelope output for the geo part. - Added mapServer.xml configuration files that were missing in SVN, but were in the release. - Added 'sources' to search summary - Now the mef.export service is accessible to users. Export is limited by metadata privileges. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- Bugs fixed -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Fixed the date range search in advanced search - Fixed transfer ownership bug: the target group was not properly set - GAST : Fixed path in the migration procedure. Added the possibility to migrate GeoNetworks running on Tomcat. - LDAP : passwords are now scrambled. Avoided admin login - Editor : Fixed upload bug - Fixed bug in privileges management : it was not possible to clear privileges for administrators and reviewer that were metadata owners - Fixed NullPointerException in HTTP transaction handler in InterMap - Fixed Windows installation problem with incorrect JRE requirements on install of the version that includes a JRE - Fixed appearing and then disappearing metadata display in IE7 - Fixed some bugs to geonetwork 2.0 harvesting type - Fixed thumbnails display on metadata harvested from a geonetwork 2.0 node ----------------------------------------------------------- --- Known issues ----------------------------------------------------------- - Some of the metadata display links do not open as embedded view while they should - The Map Viewer "Add note" function is not fully functional yet - The overview map does not automatically refresh when adding a new layer from the metadata ================================================================================ === === GeoNetwork 2.1.0 Final : List of changes === ================================================================================ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- New -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Added portal.opensearch service to allow search from client supporting OpenSearch.org spec. - Added xml.region.get service to retrieve Bounding Box given a region id - Intermap: added "export PDF" feature. - Intermap: added "refresh" button. - Intermap: added layers are hilited in green. - Intermap: AOI can now be deleted on minimap by pressing the AOI button when it's already selected. - GeoNetwork added the AJAX advanced search. - Added possibility to specify proxy's credentials - Included a version of GeoServer with Blue marble and country boundaries base layers - Handling interactive maps for metadata with OnlineResources holding getCapabilities WMS servers. - Build tools for Windows native installer (win and *nix, macosx cleaned up) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- Changes -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Intermap: added interaction with region selection dropdown list. Overview map zooms to AoI and keeps AoI set - AJAX based default and advanced search interfaces added and navigation improved - Intermap: when adding layers, the server list is now created on server via XSL, and no longer via JS on client. - Intermap: the layer list is now created on server via XSL, and no longer via JS on client. - Intermap: new icon for "add layer" button. - Intermap: disabled scriptaculous effects under IE. - Intermap: when there is only one layer, it has no "delete" button. - Intermap: removed many unused JS functions. - Improved both admin's guide and server reference manuals. - Small georss fixes - Legends in InterMap integrated in GUI - Fixes to presentation of recent additions and categories using AJAX - InterMap: Improved computation of scalebar lenght via Haversine formula. - Some toolbar and legend improvements, including icon updates and additions - Improved default and advanced search forms - Improved presentation of beginPosition and endPosition fields in iso19139 editor (have calendars) - Home link always goes to homepage - Map can now be resized by dragging its lower-right corner. - Improved readability of the "loading map" message. - Version and release numbers are in this build file now!! And still stored in the server.prop file. - Moved Readme panel to the end of the installer and removed post install panel. - Updated readme.html content -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- Bugs fixed -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Intermap: fixed duplicated TempFiles class. - Intermap: fixed map reaspect (North Pole is not at 180 lat degrees). - Intermap: up and down buttons in layer list now work. - Fixed bug with character encoding when editing metadata - Small fixes to the sample metadata for ISO19115/19139 - Removed invalid URLs from online resources in 19139 templates - Fixed localization of the AJAX services - Fixed Chinese localization - Fix iso19115 packages for iso19139 - add contentInfo and extensionInfo - The zoombox is now bound inside the map. ================================================================================ === === GeoNetwork 2.1.0 RC : List of changes === ================================================================================ - Added simple LDAP authentication - Added possibility to install sample metadata during installation - Added WebDAV harvesting type - Added mysql jdbc driver - Finished Intermap integration -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- Changes -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Removed useless thumbnail in the coords box -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- Bugs fixed -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Fixed start-geonetwork.bat script - Fixed bug during resource download. A missing 'host' or 'from' parameter caused an exception - Fixed bug in CSW harvesting: the privilege rows were pointing to webdav code - Harvesting of type=geonetwork: changed radio buttons to dropdown list due to usual problems with IE - Harvesting: fixed 'deactivate' message and 'run' button behaviour when the server is restarted and services now are not allowed. - Fixed thumbnail in default view ================================================================================ === === GeoNetwork 2.1.0 beta5 : List of changes === ================================================================================ - Added the concept of metadata owner. This avoids a bug with the search: if all privileges where removed the metadata got lost because the search was no able to retrieve it. - Added documentation for new xml.schema.info service - Added 'users' section in xml.info service - Added 'cache=yes|no' attribute to Jeeves's services to allow data caching -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- Changes -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Moved schema labels and help strings into the proper schema folder - In metadata.show and metadata.edit there are tooltips for elements instead of opening a separate window - Removed EDIT and ADMIN privileges. Added the concept of metadata 'reviewer'. Adjusted all search and access policies. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- Bugs fixed -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Fixed portal.search.present service: parameters where not pipelined - Fixed path in csw start scripts - Fixed password length in Users table - Fixed logo image in search results with intermap - Fixed query for featured metadata in the main page. It had some problems with PostgreSQL. - Fixed bug when inserting a new user: the password was not scrambled - Jeeves : removed path in file upload - Fixed wrong table name when deleting harvesting nodes - Fixed Ajax pages with IE (more or less) - Fixed bug with MEF import: private data was not imported - Fixed bug with data upload: if the browser was IE and the server was running on linux the upload file name contained the file path - Fixed a bug in user creation page: it was not possible to create administrators - Fixed a nasty bug in the editor that caused a stack overflow with date and thesaurusName elements. ================================================================================ === === GeoNetwork 2.1.0 beta4 : List of changes === ================================================================================ - Added metadata backup on delete - Added harvesting of CSW nodes - Added Oracle JDBC driver 10g - Merged Intermap - Added 'xml.relation.get' service and 'Relations' table to support relations between metadata. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- Changes -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Now UUIDs are varchar(250). This is necessary because some uuids could not be well formed. - Now the server starts even if the Z39.50 port is already used. In that case, Z39.50 server will be disabled. - MEF import: now if the uuid is missing, it is correctly stored inside the metadata - MEF export: changed skipUUID default to false - MEF format: added siteName - xml.info : now returned groups are only those visible to the user - xml.forward : changed structure to allow authentication - Updated documentation. - Now it is possible to search multiple keywords and categories in the server. Fields are specified using multiple key-value pairs (like category=aaa&category=bbb). Fields are put in OR form. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- Bugs fixed -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Fixed missing scriptaculous inclusion in 'metadata.edit' and prototype inclusion in other pages. ================================================================================ === === GeoNetwork 2.1.0 beta3 : List of changes === ================================================================================ - Added possibility to harvest old geonetwork 2.0 nodes -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- Changes -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Passwords are now encrypted using a SHA-1 algorithm -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- Bugs fixed -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Lucene search: fixed a possible race bug when metadata are deleted - Fixed code compilation on computer with encoding different than ISO-8859 - Fixed namespace declaration for CSW requests returning FGDC metadata - Changed label's length to varchar(96). There were some language descriptions that were beyond length 64. - Fixed prototype inclusion bug. It was not possible to create new metadata ================================================================================ === === GeoNetwork 2.1.0 beta2 : List of changes === ================================================================================ - GAST : Added migration code to migrate an old geonetwork installation - GAST : Added conversion code from iso19115 to iso19139 - Added jdbc driver for postgresql - Added confirmation dialog to GAST during database setup - Added a sample group -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- Changes -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - User administration: now the group list is not shown if the choosen profile is 'Administrator' - Z39.50 : repositories.xml and schema-mappings.xml files are now processed at startup and do not required variable substitution anymore. - AccessManager : now the allowed operations are read from the database - Substituted proprietary cos.jar with jakarta commons fileupload - Removed useless link to dc:identifier when showing dublin core metadata - Main page/recent additions : now all groups visible to the user are considered - Removed 'siteId' option to batch import. Files that do not end with '.xml' are skipped during import. - Now it is possible to remove categories and groups when they have fkey relationships. Affected metadata are now reindexed. - User add form : added alert if no group is selected, highlithed mandatory fields - Metadata privileges : added a button to set all privileges all at once. - Metadata creation and duplication: changed groups's combobox to a list - ISO19139: Changed 'language' element to a char 3 code. Added a dropdown to the editor to choose the language. Updated migration stylesheets from 19115 -> 19139 - ISO19139: Fixed TopicCategoryCode. It is not a codelist - ISO19139: Changed dateTime element to date+time to allow validation. - Massive Javascript refactoring to accomodate new harvesting needs -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- Bugs fixed -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Fixed NullPointerException with Tomcat - Fixed validation bug using Java 1.5 facilities. Fixed iso19139 schema also - Fixed fkey constraint violation when removing harvesting nodes - Fixed an exception raised when changing user information - Fixed bug in metadata.admin.form : now only groups visible to the user are returned - Fixed bug in the editor : on Windows machines, CR/LF were doubled on saving - GAST: resources were not properly aborted - GAST: fixed missing 'gmd:' prefix when migrating metadata 19115 -> 19139 - User's form: the group's name was not localized - Forced the 'gmd' prefix to iso 19139 metadata to both xml insert and batch import - Fixed bug with metadata xml insert: 'title' is no longer mandatory if the kind is not subtemplate. Added some javascript to show/hide the title textfield. - Fixed bug with MEF exports that caused corrupted files on Windows machines - Localization form : fixed bug when saving region labels - Z39.50 is now working ================================================================================ === === GeoNetwork 2.1.0 beta1 : List of changes === ================================================================================ - Added GAST application - Added form to localize entities - Added possibility to create thumbnails from [Geo]Tiff images - Added a user's guide - Added MEF file format and related import/export facilities -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- Changes -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Installer simplified: options moved to GAST - Added the installer data files to the installer packages - Used proxy in xml.forward service and during harvesting. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- Bugs fixed -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Exceptions : fixed a bug during stacktrace generation - [bug:1655563] Fixed bug with IPv6 loopback - Fixed bug when indexing metadata: an error on indexing due to corrupted metadata is now ignored. This allows the system to boot. - Fixed bug when removing data files: now it is possible to remove the entry from the metadata even when the files are not there. - Fixed security bug in service xml.metadata.get - Fixed bug with templates that were not shown - Fixed bug when changing the user's password. It seems that the 'update()' function has a different sematic if called inside the 'onClick' attribute - Fixed wrong behaviour of 'back' button in categories/groups/users - Fixed some bugs with Z39.50. Now, it should work. ================================================================================ === === GeoNetwork 2.1.0 alpha2 : List of changes === ================================================================================ - Added metadata rating information (Score for Lucene) - Added SOAP support to CSW. Updated test application to use SOAP. Used HTTP client library from Jakarta. - Finished harvesting code for type=GeoNetwork - Added SQL script for PostgreSQL to the installer -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- Changes -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Removed file regions.xml and fixed lucene and Z39.50 searchers. This fixes a Z39.50 exception too. - Removed 'delete', 'privileges' and 'categories' buttons for harvested metadata - CS/W : now the host and port parameters for the capabilities XML are taken from the system config. - Moved many of the istaller parameters to the web interface - Changed the metadata root element from 'DS_DataSet' to 'MD_Metadata' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- Bugs fixed -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Fixed bug with advanced search: the results were wrong if bounds were not specified - Harvesting : fixed an exception raised when adding new nodes ================================================================================ === === GeoNetwork 2.1.0 alpha1 : List of changes === ================================================================================ - Added Lucene FuzzyQuery support - Added catalogue services for the web 2.0.1 - Added ISO19115 CSW 2.0.1 output stylesheets (thanks to Steven Smolders/Stefaan Desender) - Added RSS search services - Added chinese localization (thanks to Enri Zhou) - Added log4j to both jeeves and geonetwork - Logs moved into jetty/log folder. Now old logs are archived - Added web/WEB-INF/db/data.tgz. This is an empty McKoi database ready for use, very usefull to users that do a cvs checkout/update: simply unpack where it is. - Added localization of categories, groups, regions, operations and profiles - Added an Ajax wen interface to configure harvesting -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- Changes -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Removed uuid-2.1.0.jar: used java 1.5 builtin UUID class - Removed jaxen: used java 1.5 classes - Increased connection pool to 10 connection to allow harvesting tasks - Added more information to users (email, address, organisation etc...) - Fixed the metadata-util.xsl stylesheet so that GeoNetwork can run on Java 1.6 (thanks to Andrew Davie) - Added 'author' to the RoleCd codelist - Harvesting engine totally rewritten to provide more flexibility -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- Bugs fixed -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Now the search engine works with Chinese language (thanks to Enri Zhou) - Fixed bug with user list: if the user is an Administrator but with id other than 1 only a subset of the groups where shown - Fixed bug with thumbnails stylesheet: now the 'back' button is correctly shown - Fixed validation bug when adding a new metadata - Fixed problem with IPv6 protocol: geonetwork was unable to handle the 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 local address. - Fixed a security hole: using sql injection was possible to login into geonetwork - Fixed "Services is not a subcontext" exception with Z39.50 - Added reconnection patch for MySQL (thanks to Enri Zhou) - Fixed a security hole in user management : a user admin could gain admin privileges ================================================================================ === === GeoNetwork 2.0.2 : List of changes === ================================================================================ - Removed bug in showing metadata with multiline fields (fields containing CR-LF) - Possibly fixed nasty bug in validation on Windows PCs - Added bounding box and interval fields in search form to session -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- Changes -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - List of user: now administrators cannot remove themselves. This prevent some inconsistencies like the user being logged in and not existing into the database. - Asked confirmation when deleting users - Now it is not possible to edit metadata which source is different from the site id - Now thumbnails button in editing is shown only for iso19115 metadata - FGDC metadata abstract is now a textarea in editing - User administration : now the group list is always visible - Allowed several administrators - Added GeoRSS button to the recent additions - Included MySQL and Oracle JDBC drivers for easy installation on these databases. The warning to put JDBC drivers in place during the installation has been removed. - Thumbnails are now shown for harvested data (there is a link to the remote site) - Added jdbc drivers for mysql and oracle -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- Bugs fixed -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - A user can duplicate metadata only if he has the proper privilege ('metadata.duplicate.form') - maxClauses parameters in Lucene BooleanQuery constructor is now 16384 instead of the default of 1024 - Fixed bug with the mckoi's activator. Now installing a DBMS other than McKoi works fine. ================================================================================ === === GeoNetwork 2.0.1 : List of changes === ================================================================================ - to be added... ================================================================================ === === GeoNetwork 2.0.0 final : List of changes === ================================================================================ - Added french and spanish translations - Added option to save installation settings for re-installing from the command line - Added an About page to the site - Added the SiteID on the about and links page. Useful for administrators that want to set up harvesting - Added email and description editing to the group list editor - Added possibility to have multiple inheritance to user profiles - Added email notification to a group administrator when a user downloads a resource -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- Changes -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Now information about possible operations on each metadata take into account the user's profile and not only the metadata privileges - Modified search button - Updated feedback link on homepage - Updated links on links page - Some clean ups to the setup table's record - debug mode is set to be off by default - updated the user-input.xml and user-input-integrated.xml to accept: jetty port, public host, puplic port - changed installer/xsl/config.xsl: added entries for public host & port - changed installer/xsl/jetty.xsl and installer/xsl/jetty-integrated.xsl to reflect the port choosen in the installer - upgraded migration procedure to fix the links for the resources - upgraded the setup procedure: now all metadata are read and saved in order to update the resources' links. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- Bugs fixed -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Fixed bug in the editor: the template property was not saved - Fixed bug that caused the editor to open a different window pressing "Save" and the other buttons, if "Check" was pressed before - Fixed Interactive button on search results page to correctly open a WMS in InterMap opensource - Download link on metadata page checked for dynamic privilege instead of download privilege - Now the feedback email is correctly sent - Fixed a bug in the installer: the stylesheet for the config.xml file changed the config for all resources instead of the enabled one. - Fixed problems with profiles combobox into the user admin form - Fixed bug on startup: metadata were always reindexed - Fixed bug in the editor: online resources fields were not shown up - Fixed bug with the distTranOp field: the onLineSrc fields were not shown ================================================================================ === === GeoNetwork RC2 : List of changes === ================================================================================ - Added an alpha release of the CSW specification (not usable, work in progress). ================================================================================ === Changes ================================================================================ - Upgraded Jetty to 5.1.5 RC2 - Transformed "save & check" in "check". Now opens a different window with diagnostic - Removed thumbnails handling in simple editor - Put "Template" checkbox together with the edit buttons at the top - Bug [1308077] : Moved the xml insert privileges from the 'UserAdmin' to the 'Editor' profile ================================================================================ === Bugs fixed ================================================================================ - Fixed bug with config.xml. The oracle resource was enabled instead of the McKoi one. This fixes bugs [1349939] and [1349849]. - Fixed bug [1314928] : oracle returns "1.0" instead of "1". This caused some problems. - Fixed some bugs with the MySql database schema (converted some varchars to text) ================================================================================ === === GeoNetwork RC1 : List of changes === ================================================================================ - Added migration procedure - Added periodic metadata harvesting on file system - Added "last results" button - Added empty templated for DC and FGDC ================================================================================ === Changes ================================================================================ - Search for templates is hidden to simple registerd users (only allow from editors up) - Moved login info to the righ - Metadata: put show and edit buttons also at the top - Now it is possible to turn a metadata into a template and viceversa ================================================================================ === Bugs fixed ================================================================================ - If no feature maps are available, nothing is displayed in the home page - Fixed bug with "&" in names and metadata in xml form - FGDC metadata standard Field 'accconst' was not displayed right - Fixed metadata preview from a remote server - Fixed some empty tabs in the editor (the (+) button was not shown) - "search for templates" flag was not saved in the session - Add button generated wrong link in Dublin Core editing ================================================================================ === === GeoNetwork beta 4 : List of changes === ================================================================================ ================================================================================ === Changes ================================================================================ - Removed the 'Administrator' profile from the user edit form. This allows only one administrator for each geonetwork installation ================================================================================ === Bugs fixed ================================================================================ - Fixed a nasty bug with groups privileges. The administrator was not able to see metadata created by himself - Fixed bug in the user edit form. Now groups are hidden only when editing the administrator ================================================================================ === === GeoNetwork beta 3 : List of changes === ================================================================================ - Added text at the end of the installer explaining how to start the system - Added a 'Geonetwork' menu in the OS 'application' menu - Added possibility to have a user administrator - Added UserAdmin profile - Filtered profile combobox : removed "Guest" profile and listed only profiles that are equal to or lower than the creating user - Added a form to easily add and remove thumbnails - Added the possibility to specify a metadata template during search. Removed templates from normal search results and on the main page (latest updates) ================================================================================ === Changes ================================================================================ - Removed unused namespaces from the DC sample data - Used UUID in harvesting procedure and changed parameters format - Upgraded Jetty to version 5.1.5rc1 - Removed last line in "links" page (contact and feedback) - Now feedback is not saved into the db - The 'delete' privilege has been merged to the 'edit' one. Added the 'notify' privilege. - Harvesting procedure : if the username/password fields are missing (or empty) no login is performed on the remote site - Editing a user : now the group list is not shown if the user is an administrator - Grouped metadata dirs to handle large set of metadata - Removed "AdvancedEditor" profile. Allowed services moved "UserAdmin" - Installer : added some defaults. The user's password now must be at least 6 chars - Changes to the database - Renamed field "sourceId" to "sourceUri" in table "Metadata" - Removed table "Feedback" - Added unique to the name of users, groups, categories ================================================================================ === Bugs fixed ================================================================================ - Fixed feedback link in main page - Fixed bug : was not possible to remove privileges from group 2 ("Editors") - Fixed slash on Windows start/stop scripts. Added STOP_PORT variable - Fixed stylesheets update-fixed-info.xsl for ISO and DC - Fixed buttons' style on forms - Fixed nasty bug on Z39.50 - Fixed '+' bug on ISO codelists - Fixed bug with idCitation/resRefDate - PostionName is now displayed in editing mode - Fixed namespaces in xml editing - Fixed some issues with the dublin core - Bug fixed : metadata with empty thumbails generated exceptions on search results - Fixed index.html : now the small "GeoNetwork" text is not displayed - Fixed validation bug when saving a metadata using the xml text view - Fixed servlet name in res.xsl stylesheet - Fixed bug : emails were not sent to the mail account specified during the installation. ================================================================================ === === GeoNetwork beta 2 : List of changes === ================================================================================ - Added a form to remove old, empty metadata An empty metadata has been defined as follow: - it is not a template - it is local (its source == to the geonetwork site id) - the difference between the last change date and the creation date (in minutes) is less than a given difference - it has no operations associated to the internet group - Added a button to create a metadata from a template Added a form (in administration) to create a metadata from a template - Added an UUID to metadata when creating it from a template, from the xml import or from the batch import forms. - Improved ISO editor stylesheet - Added upload features to the ISO editor - Added a popup to place a keyword in ISO19115 editor - Added a popup to place a bounding box in ISO19115 editor - Added the possibility to change the password and some other information - Improved handling of help XML information - Added the possibility to change the number of hits per page in the search form - Added a XML editing page with validation ================================================================================ === Changes ================================================================================ - Metadata batch import form: Now the user can see only the groups he belongs to. - Changes to the database (installer data files adjusted as needed): - Table Metadata: added "uuid" - Table Groups : added "description", "email", "referrer" - Fixed some initial data in the installer - Added 2 FAO's metadata with thumbnails. This gives the featured map on the main page and metadata with thumbnails on the search results. - The harvesting procedure now stores the uuid got from the remote site - Creation of a new metadata ('create' button, xml insert/import): - privileges belonging to the 'internet' group are removed. This is related to the 'search for empty/unused metadata' functionality. - privileges belonging to the 'intranet' group are removed. - the group that is adding the metadata has all privileges on it - privileges associated to other groups are copied from the DefaultOper table - Changed behavior of back button in the editor to go back to editing mode, and improved diagnostic message - Make sure that adding or removing items moves to the same page point in the browser ================================================================================ === Bugs fixed ================================================================================ - Search results : fixed metadata logos and added the possibility to have a personal logo - The "UserGroups" data file was missing. The provided one binds the administrator to groups 0,1,2 - Fixed bug with the '+' button on element 'OnLineRes' - Fixed a nasty bug in the editor: now after an error it is possible to save the metadata - Minor bugs have been fixed. - Now trying Z39.50 search without search criteria or with no server selected shows an alert - Thumbnails of harvested metadata are read from the source site ================================================================================ === Known bugs ================================================================================ - The stylesheets to store the UUID need to be fixed for the dublin core and fgdc metadata schema - Some metadata elements don't get displayed (like those inside the OnLineRes) - The editor does not preserve namespaces during xml editing - The search shows the templates too. - The feedback link is broken and some items on the links page are not shown correctly