13.3 Operating modes

When you start GAST, you get an application window like the one in Figure 13.1, “ GAST’s main window with a tool selected ”. On the left side you have a panel with the tools you can use. After selecting a tool, on the right side you get the tool’s options panel.

Figure 13.1.  GAST’s main window with a tool selected

GAST’s main window with a tool selected

Every function has an operating mode, which defines the condition under which the tool can be used. The tool’s mode is shown with an icon on the right side of the tool’s name. The operating modes, with their icons are summarized in the following table:





The tool can be always used, but GeoNetwork must be restarted in order to make the change effective.


The tool can be used only if GeoNetwork is running.


The tool can be used only if GeoNetwork is stopped. This is important because some tools change the database’s account or create the database from scratch. These are sensitive operations that cannot be performed while GeoNetwork is running.

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