13.2 Starting GAST

GAST belongs to the core components so it is installed by default.

On Windows computers, simply select the Start GAST option under the GeoNetwork opensource program group under Start > Programs > GeoNetwork opensource

Other options to start GAST are either to use a java command from a terminal window or just click its jar’s icon. To issue the java command you have to:

  1. change directory to the GeoNetwork installation folder

  2. issue the command java -jar gast/gast.jar

You can also try to simply open the GeoNetwork installation folder, go to the gast folder and doubleclick on the gast.jar file. If you have Java installed, GAST should start in a few seconds.

To run, GAST requires Java 1.5. It will not work on Java 1.4 and it should run on Java 1.6 (this has not been tested!).

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