11.2 Access policy

A public metadata is a metadata that has the view privilege for the group named all.


An administrator can view any metadata.

A reviewer can view a metadata if:

  1. The group owner is one of the groups assigned to the reviewer.

  2. He is the metadata owner.

A user administrator or an editor can view:

  1. All metadata that have the view privilege in one of the groups visible to them.

  2. All metadata created by theirself.

A registered user can view:

  1. All metadata that have the view privilege in one of the groups visible to them.

Public metadata can be viewed by any user (logged in or not).


An administrator can edit any metadata.

A reviewer can edit a metadata if:

  1. The group owner is one of the groups assigned to the reviewer.

  2. He is the metadata owner.

A user administrator or an editor can edit only metadata created by theirself.

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