10.3 Harvesting lifecycle

When a harvesting node is set, there is no harvested metadata. During the first run, all remote matching metadata are retrieved and stored locally. After the first run, only changed metadata are retrieved. Harvested metadata are not editable for the following reasons:

  1. The harvesting is periodic so any local change to harvested metadata will be lost during the next run.

  2. The change date is used to keep track of changes so if it gets changed outside the originator site, the harvesting mechanism is compromised.

Beside the metadata itself, this implies that users cannot change all other metadata properties (like categories, privileges etc...).

The harvesting process goes on until one of the following situations arises:

  1. An administrator stops (deactivates) the node.

  2. An exception arises. In this case the node is automatically stopped.

When a harvesting node is removed, all harvest metadata are removed too.

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