7. Administration Features

7.1 Creation of new Group Profiles

The user with administrative privileges can manage the creation of various groups corresponding to the various contributors/users of the database (e.g. in the FAO-GeoNetwork node you may find as many groups as GIS Projects that produce general geographic information in different fields of activities: Fishery, Agriculture, Land and Water, Health etc).

To create new groups you should first of all authenticate yourself and determine if you have the required administrative privileges. To log in, simply go to the homepage and enter your username and password in the top right corner fields (use admin for both username and password), then click on the login button (Figure 7.1, “Login form”).

Figure 7.1. Login form

Login form

Figure 7.2. Administration page

Administration page

  • To include a new group in the system, you have to apply the following logical steps:

  1. From the Group Management page click on the button Add a new group;

    Figure 7.3. Group management

    Group management

  2. Provide the information related to the new group that you are going to create;

    Figure 7.4. Group edit form

    Group edit form

  3. Click on Save

Depending on the data owner settings, for each record inserted in the system, each group will have different data accessibility privileges in relation to: view of Metadata ( Publish ), data Download, Interactive Map visualization, view of your map appearing on the home page randomly (Featured), Notification when a file gets downloaded.

Below is an example of the privileges management table concerning a certain dataset (Figure 7.5, “Privilege settings”).

Figure 7.5. Privilege settings

Privilege settings

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