6.4 How do I install GeoNetwork opensource?

Before running the GeoNetwork installer, make sure that all system requirements are satisfied, and in particular that the Java Runtime Environment version 1.5.0 is set up on your machine.

On Windows

If you use Windows, the following steps will guide you to complete the installation (other FOSS will follow):

  1. Double click on geonetwork-install-2.2.0.exe to start the GeoNetwok opensource desktop installer

  2. Follow the instructions on screen (Figure 6.2, “Installer”). You can choose to install sample data, install the embedded map server (based on GeoServer and the CSW 2.0.1 test client. Developers may be interested in installing the source code and installer building tools. Full source code can be found in the GeoNetwork SubVersion code repository.

  3. After completion of the installation process, a 'GeoNetwork desktop' menu will be added to your Windows Start menu under 'Programs'

  4. Click Start > Programs > GeoNetwork desktop > Start server to start the Geonetwork opensource Web server. The first time you do this, the system will require about 1 minute to complete startup.

  5. Click Start > Programs > Geonetwork desktop > Open GeoNetwork opensource to start using GeoNetwork opensource, or connect your Web browser to http://localhost8080/geonetwork/

Figure 6.2. Installer


Figure 6.3. Packages to be installed

Packages to be installed

Installation using the platform independent installer

If you downloaded the platform independent installer (a .jar file), you can in most cases start the installer by simply double clicking on it.

Follow the instructions on screen (see also the section called “On Windows”).

At the end of the installation process you can choose to save the installation script (Figure 6.4, “Save the installation script for commandline installations”).

Figure 6.4. Save the installation script for commandline installations

Save the installation script for commandline installations

Commandline installation

If you downloaded the platform independent installer (a .jar file), you can perform commandline installations on computers without a graphical interface. You first need to generate an install script (see Figure 6.4, “Save the installation script for commandline installations”). This install script can be edited in a text editor to change some installation parameters.

To run the installation from the commandline, issue the following command in a terminal window and hit enter to start:

c:\temp\java -jar geonetwork-install-2.2.0-0.jar install.xml
[ Starting automated installation ]
[ Starting to unpack ]
[ Processing package: Core (1/3) ]
[ Processing package: Sample metadata (2/3) ]
[ Processing package: GeoServer web map server (3/3) ]
[ Unpacking finished ]
[ Writing the uninstaller data ... ]
[ Automated installation done ]


You can also run the installation with lots of debug output. To do so run the installer with the flag -DTRACE=true: java -DTRACE=true -jar geonetwork-install-2.2.0-0.jar

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