2.3 Advanced Search

The advanced search option (Figure 2.6, “Advanced search options”) works similarly to the default search. However, you can be more specific in your search criteria as it offers different elements to look for data, each of them focussing one of the following aspects: What?, Where?, When?

Figure 2.6. Advanced search options

Advanced search options

To perform an advanced search , from the home page click Advanced just below the search bottom (see Figure 2.7, “Show advanced search options”).

Figure 2.7. Show advanced search options

Show advanced search options

In the WHAT? section the elements are all related to the data content. Through them, in addition to searching only free keywords in the entire metadata content, you can also search directly in the title or abstract fields and add more keywords to customize your search further. You can also specify the level of accuracy you wish to reach in performing your search (Figure 2.8, “"What" section in the Advanced search”).

Figure 2.8. "What" section in the Advanced search

"What" section in the Advanced search

The WHERE? parameters, which are related to the spatial extent, allow you, as in the default search, either to select your own area of interest or to select a predefined region from the drop-down list. In this section you can also type the geographic coordinates of a specific location that is not available from the above list. (Figure 2.9, “"Where" section in the Advanced search”)

Figure 2.9. "Where" section in the Advanced search

"Where" section in the Advanced search

Whatever type of geographic search you decide to perform, in the Spatial search type field, you can choose from different options: is, overlaps, encloses, is fully outside of (Figure 2.9, “"Where" section in the Advanced search”). If you use this field, be cautious as this limits your output data as follows:

The WHEN? section gives you the possibility to restrict your search in terms of temporal extent, indicating a specific range of time referred to the data creation or publication date (Figure 2.10, “"When" section in the Advanced search”).

Figure 2.10. "When" section in the Advanced search

"When" section in the Advanced search

Finally, the advanced search allows you to apply further restrictions on the basis of additional parameters as data source, data categories and data format (Figure 2.11, “Other options in the Advanced search”).

At last, you can customize the number of output results per page in the Hits Per Page field. Simply highlight the number of records to be displayed or leave the field set on the default number (10).

Figure 2.11. Other options in the Advanced search

Other options in the Advanced search

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