Appendix A. Frequently Asked Questions

A.1. Users FAQ


Where do I learn more about the use and functionality of the GeoNetwork opensource catalog?

The Quick Start Guide will provide you with an excellent first introduction. The Guide can be downloaded from the GeoNetwork Community website

A.2. Administrators FAQ


I am having difficulty installing multiple instances of GeoNetwork on the same server

To run multiple installation you have to change the ports that GeoNetwork uses in order to avoid conflicts. The port are:

  • Z39.50 listening port. This is the most probable source of conflicts. You have to entedit the web/WEB-INF/config.xml file of the second installation and choose a value other than the default one, which is 2100. Use for example 2101 but keep in mind that remote nodes usually use 2100 so your second node will not be reachable. You cannot use the system configuration web form the first time because if the port conflicts, the server won't start.

  • If you are using Jetty. 

    • Jetty's listening port. This can be modified using GAST and its default value is usually 8080. To run a second installation use a different value, like 8081. The affected file is bin/jetty.xml.

    • Jetty's stop port. This is defined into the scripts bin/start-geonetwork.* and bin/stop-geonetwork.* (for both Windows and Linux). The provided value is 8079 as the value of the STOP.PORT parameter. Use another value for the second installation, like 8078. If you don't change this value, the stop script will stop all instances.

  • If you are using the embedded McKoi DBMS. 

    • McKoi listening port. This can be easily modified using GAST. The default value is 9157. For other installations you can use 9158, 9159 and so on. The affected files are web/WEB-INF/config.xml and web/WEB-INF/db/db.conf.


What is normally logged when running GeoNetwork opensource?

GeoNetwork has its own internal logging based on log4j Logging services (written to the file jeeves.log). Additionaly there are log files generated by the web server (Jetty , Apache Tomcat etc..) and by the DBMS used (for example by the internal McKoi SQL ).


How do I control what is written to the GeoNetwork internal log file?

The logging is configured in the file ../web/WEB-INF/log4j.cfg . You can change the settings by editing the file in a text editor. For operational systems it is suggested to put all log options to OFF or FATAL. The log options are, with increasing log intensity:

  • OFF - The OFF Level has the highest possible rank and is intended to turn off logging.

  • FATAL - The FATAL level designates very severe error events that will presumably lead the application to abort.

  • ERROR - The ERROR level designates error events that might still allow the application to continue running.

  • WARN - The WARN level designates potentially harmful situations.

  • INFO - The INFO level designates informational messages that highlight the progress of the application at coarse-grained level.

  • DEBUG - The DEBUG Level designates fine-grained informational events that are most useful to debug an application.

  • ALL - The ALL Level has the lowest possible rank and is intended to turn on all logging.

A.3. Developers FAQ


What is Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) and how can I use, participate and contribute to the GeoNetwork opensource project?

The book "Producing Open Source Software" (shown in Figure A.1, “Producing Open Source Software”) is a highly recommended book for anyone working on open source software projects. It provides insight in all aspects of FOSS development and on how to make a project succesful. If you are interested in participating in the GeoNetwork opensource project, please spend some time reading through this book. It's definitely worth the time and money (so buy the hardcopy if you can afford it!).

Producing Open Source Software is a book about the human side of open source development. It describes how successful projects operate, the expectations of users and developers, and the culture of free software.

The book is available in bookstores and from the publisher (O'Reilly Media), or you can browse or download it from Producing Open Source Software is released under an open copyright that allows everyone to share and modify the book freely. The latest version is always available on the website. The online version is the same as the commercially available print version ? in other words, you can buy a printed copy and know that it's up-to-date.

Figure A.1. Producing Open Source Software

Producing Open Source Software

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